/, Internet Marketing, Mobile Devices/Why Your Business Needs A Responsive Website Before 2014

Why Your Business Needs A Responsive Website Before 2014

If you’ve ignored previous warnings and your business isn’t taking advantage of responsive web design right now or planning on it in the very near future, you are in danger of going out of business in 2014. There are three exceptions to the rule;
1) you don’t depend on your website to stay in business,
2) you have no competitors, or
3) you are familiar with responsive design, you’ve already verified it’s not the right fit for you, as Linkedin has, and you have an alternative mobile strategy. If any of these three apply to you, then you’re ok, carry on. But if your company depends on its website enough that losing the business it brings to you would be a serious blow, getting a responsive website before the end of the year should be your #1 online marketing goal.
Mobile vs. Desktop.
The pie chart below shows the percentages for visitors coming using mobile, tablet, and desktop devices for the past 12 months.
This second set of pie charts below shows us the direction things are headed.

pie 2014
pie 2012-13
2017-11-03T09:37:38+00:00Company News, Internet Marketing, Mobile Devices|
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